Establishing Panasonic as a leading authority in the haircare sector
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Overall Link Clicks
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Overall Engagements
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Overall Campaign Impressions
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We were briefed with raising awareness of Panasonic’s luxury Personal Care haircare range, placing emphasis on its premium quality. Our goal was to engage hairstyling enthusiasts by collaborating with an aligned global influencer and local creators across key EU markets.


We set out to establish Panasonic Personal Care as a leading authority in the hair care product and wellness space, distinguishing the brand from competitors. We needed to educate our audience on nanoe™ technology benefits and leant on enhancing natural beauty through wellness rituals.


Our strategy involved multiple content bursts to reinforce key messaging through consistent and high-quality content, highlighting the sophistication of the products and positioning Panasonic as a trusted leader in the sector. We onboarded a collective of creators, prominent in the lifestyle & hair space, to authentically showcase their experience of the nanoe™ products, educating audiences about the USPs & benefits of the newly launched NA0J hairdryer.

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Creators seamlessly integrated product usage into their daily routines, illustrating the benefits for hair and scalp health, with a strong focus on enhancing natural beauty through wellness rituals. Our creators produced content that built brand love and educated our target audiences on the product benefits, all while aligning with the campaign's thematic 'wellness' thread.


The campaign successfully met and over-delivered on our targets, driving mass reach and engagement figures. Through creator content executed organically and amplified via paid media activity, we delivered a staggering 49.8 million impressions, 7.9 million engagements and drove an impressive 32.9K link clicks to our product web pages.

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