Surging Gett’s brand visibility
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Gett, the black taxi app, faced a seasonal challenge – summer months often see a dip in ride demand, making it crucial to ramp up brand visibility. Our campaign aimed to tackle this by keeping Gett top of mind during this slower season when users are less likely to book rides.


Our 'Gett Me There in Style' campaign highlighted Gett’s key strengths: reliability, comfort, style, speed, and safety. Targeting affluent residents of London and the South-East, we focused on Instagram to boost brand awareness. Our main objective was to increase visibility, with secondary goals of driving app installs and encouraging first-time rides.


We partnered with four creators to showcase Gett as the most efficient, convenient, and stylish way to navigate London this summer. Through organic Instagram Reels and Stories, they highlighted how Gett reliably gets them where they need to be, right on time.

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Our content showcased Gett’s versatility through a range of real-life scenarios, We Are Twinset used Gett to make it to meetings on time, Lucy Verasamy highlighted pet-friendly rides, Saff demonstrated how Gett accommodates family needs with room for a pram, while Rebecca arrived for date night in style with her partner. Whether for business, family, or leisure, Gett proved to be the ultimate travel companion.


The campaign exceeded expectations with a 23% over-delivery on impressions and achieved a 41% uplift in engagements vs our KPI, fostering positive brand awareness. Lucy and Saff’s posts drove the most engagement, proving that content featuring children and pets, along with messaging on safety and convenience, is especially impactful.

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